Monday, February 16, 2009

There is no middle ground

You must believe with your heart that ll things that Rev. Bill sais is direct from Jesus. He said he was clossest thing you will get to Jesus. You must believe that ot be saved. Open up your heart to love of Rev. Bill and get a reading at Academy for Psychic Studies where Rev. Angela will show you the way.


  1. Hi there rosebudmaid. Rev. Bill is dead now. Iss'nt it about time you move on and look to Jesus Christ directly for guidance?

    I am just saying Rev. Bill was just a man and Jesus was the son of God. Issn't Jesus the real source of truth. Just a thought.

  2. You forget joy. Rev. Bill taught us that Jesus was inside of us and all we need to do is tape into his conciousnis. Rev. Bill said he taped into Jesus's consciousnes so ya da da he was speacking the words of Christ. He knew it front word and backward. I believe he is right beside Jesus right now and they talk about how you gave up the light and are now spreading lies and mininterpretations of the teaching. Maybe you should look to Rev. Bill Joy and his devoted followers who does everything in rememberance and love of him. How do you likese those bananas

  3. But dosent the bible say not to worship idols or false Gods. Bill was just a man and subject to making mistakes like you and I. He even admited to making many mistakes. Don't you think he could have gotten some things wrong?
