Saturday, February 21, 2009

Walking in the World

It is not for me to judge those that condem the teachings of Rev. Bill Duby and devoted wife Rev. Angela. But God will judge you and you who are trying to make a bad name of the Rev. Bills blue eyed devotee Rev. Debi Livingston. Rev. Bill would allways joke that Rev. Debi was mystisising blue eyed girl that would put any man in trance. he was such a joker. Rev. Bill liked to keep things lite by telling jokes and liting up peoples personalitys.
Maybe some people didnt like there personalitis lite up but who does. Rev. Bill was one of a kind he did not go along with the world but did what he know he needed to do. people just didnt understand him. I do. Rev. Bill I know you are looking down on all of us and smiling and laughing and joking and telling us what we need to do like an angel. God bless you ad all your woman who are carying on your teaching being in the world but not of it, following Gods laws not mans laws. Praise Jesus. Praise Rev. Bill. Praise the spiritual rights foundation and the teaching.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Such a beautius day. The sun is hining and the birds are chirping. I have not run my energy in days. shame on me but no one is perfect.

Bill Duby taught us that the world is not real. Our spiritual world is real. We must not be in the world but we have to walk with those that are asleep to his teachings. Not many can have this teaching. Before we where born we chose to follow him. That is what we of Spritual Rights Foondation beleive and proad of it. But we will except you in our arms and teach you the way to live and see the real world not the fantasy that is about you.

I miss Rev. Bill so much. he could explanin it so much beter than me. He would make people believe even those who did not want to believe. He had a power that could only come from God to makes people see what he sees. and those that condem him are just abiding in evil spiritus possesing them and wanting to shut out the light of the teaching. They are lost but will they be found again.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yellow Orange today is for healing of emotions and light upon the world.

Truty of Rev. Bill

Some people lie about Rev. Bill that he was some kind of bad person. He was nothing but kind and loving, a great father, a pastor who knew his bible nd knew Jesus like a brother. Rev. Bill is right next to Jesus Christ , that is what SRF teaches so you better believe it if you want to enter the kindgom of heaven and stand beside Rev. Bill and devotled wife Rev. ANgela Silva.

Good Bless Rev. Bill and all his many children and apostles that carry on his righttusnus and truth. God Please take care of my spiritual home and give many good tidings through people to SRF and prosper them.

Reading today

As I was running my energy giving myself a psychic healing I saw a beautiful picture of love and light. there was a picture of a short man, maby an elf but not really and he was strocking a purple dove with love. He looked at me and then let the dove release. This represents SRF as a little man, small but powerful, it is not retarded like some little men but hole and good. And it had the dove which represents spiritual freedom and enlightinment and by releasing the dove wa s releasing freedom from little man SRF onto the world of love and lite. So Spritual Rights Fooudnation releases freedom and truth to all who can have the teaching and take the classes. In return you will be like the purple dove.

Monday, February 16, 2009

There is no middle ground

You must believe with your heart that ll things that Rev. Bill sais is direct from Jesus. He said he was clossest thing you will get to Jesus. You must believe that ot be saved. Open up your heart to love of Rev. Bill and get a reading at Academy for Psychic Studies where Rev. Angela will show you the way.

Above is below

Rev/Bill Duby always sais what is above is below. Most people don'tn understand this but I think I do. It is not important to understand like he said but he sais you need to just believe in what he is telling you. Do not question the messanger of God. So if your health is bad, that is below, that must mean something is wrong with above, could be your spiritua or your foreign energy like your family trying to stop you from prospering.

Long live teaching of great messagner Rev. Bill and devoted wife Rev. Angelo and their sisters in mesangering debi livingstin and Robin Dumolin who keep Rev. Bill alive through their devoted work.

Praise to love and lite. Long live Spiritual Rights Foundation

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This is so fun. This bloging is fun. Thank you Spritual Rights foondation for birthing me into a new body and giving me love and lite. Iwill be their with you as long and you live and will sit gurard at gate and keep outsiders away

thnak you for telling spirits to go away and teaching me I am capable and can talk to spiritus to and not to fear but Im just a transmedium.

Blessings to all devotees of Rev.Bill Duby and devoted wife Rev. Angela Silva.

I bess you with all my heart and give you peace becuase I do as you say and support my church will all that I have.

Yeah Spritual Rights Foundation and devoted members. We rise and fight against nasty lies spread againsts us and foe them out

lime grean is for growth in love and lite

I hope when you see this lime grean you will be washed with healing and see the growing of love and light of the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

Hello Stay all Healthy and hole

Love and lite to you.

Thanks for my friend mysticseasons57 for helping me set up love and lite to Spiritual Rights Foundation blogger web page.

Peace be to all devotees of Rev. Bill Duby and devoted Rev. Angela Silva. Thanks mysticseasons57 for spell check of names.

Spiritual Rights Foundation is a home for wayward spiritus and devotees of Rev. Bill. Sensitives like me found our way there after much of our life was throghn in the dumpster. I tell you now world, that Spiritual Rights foundation is my spiritual home and birth place and there are 2 self prescribed bad doers telling lies and misrepresentaions of my church. I promise ye all devotees I will spread love and lite.