It is not for me to judge those that condem the teachings of Rev. Bill Duby and devoted wife Rev. Angela. But God will judge you and you who are trying to make a bad name of the Rev. Bills blue eyed devotee Rev. Debi Livingston. Rev. Bill would allways joke that Rev. Debi was mystisising blue eyed girl that would put any man in trance. he was such a joker. Rev. Bill liked to keep things lite by telling jokes and liting up peoples personalitys.
Maybe some people didnt like there personalitis lite up but who does. Rev. Bill was one of a kind he did not go along with the world but did what he know he needed to do. people just didnt understand him. I do. Rev. Bill I know you are looking down on all of us and smiling and laughing and joking and telling us what we need to do like an angel. God bless you ad all your woman who are carying on your teaching being in the world but not of it, following Gods laws not mans laws. Praise Jesus. Praise Rev. Bill. Praise the spiritual rights foundation and the teaching.